The “Bike Friendly Days” in Rethymno were successfully completed

Rethymno is a bike-friendly city, both for its residents and for its visitors.
Rethymno is a bike-friendly city, both for its residents and for its visitors.

On Saturday, April 30, the “Bike Friendly Days” concluded, an event dedicated to cycling, organized by the Municipality of Rethymno and NatTour AMKE, starting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. The event highlighted that Rethymno is a bike-friendly city for both its residents and visitors.

The activities of this event coincided with the passing of international cycling athletes participating in the “DEI International Cycling Tour of Greece,” a sporting event that showcases our country, and especially Rethymno, on a global level.

“Rethymno, a city certified as a Bike Friendly Destination and a city with modern Sustainable Mobility, could only embrace the ‘DEI International Cycling Tour of Greece’ and highlight the tourism aspects of this major event.

Thus, actions were designed and implemented to combine cycling and tourism, aiming to inform all residents, tourists, professionals of Rethymno, and stakeholders involved in tourism activities about the benefits of cycling as a means of transport.

We are very pleased that our city honors cycling and aims to develop cycling tourism, as well as soft mobility for all our tourists, with the goal of achieving the much-desired year-round tourism. Rethymno has a long summer tourist season until mid-November, hosts major sporting events during the fall, and continues with our carnival activities, offering a combination of diverse experiences throughout the winter.

Every year, the city organizes the award-winning Mobility Week in September. Now, during the spring and Orthodox Easter, we invite tourists to enjoy the beauty of our region by taking bike rides around the city and cycling excursions into the countryside and our villages,” stated Mrs. Pepi Biliraki, Deputy Mayor of Tourism of Rethymno.

The Bike Friendly Days will be organized annually in the spring in Rethymno and will be enriched with activities involving tourists, showcasing the region and its beauty, and enhancing tourists’ experiences with the various forms of tourism offered by the Municipality of Rethymno.